Ethic Commission


Law no. 5176 on the Establishment of the Ethics Board for Public Servants and Amendments to Certain Laws, dated 8 June 2004 and numbered 25486, Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 2004/7791 on the appointment of the President and Members of the Ethics Board, dated 9 September 2004 and numbered 25578, Ethical Conduct of Public Servants The Regulation on its Principles and Application and Principles came into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25785 dated 13 April 2005.

Purpose of the Directive; To establish an ethical culture in our municipality, to determine the principles of ethical behavior that public officials must comply with while carrying out their duties, to assist them in behaving in accordance with these principles, to help public administration by eliminating situations that harm the principles of justice, honesty, transparency and impartiality in the performance of their duties and create distrust in the society. To increase public confidence and inform the public about the behavior they have the right to expect from public officials, and to regulate the procedures and principles of application to the board.

Kuşadası Municipality Public Officials Ethical Conduct Principles and Application Procedures and Principles Directive;

In accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 5176 on the Establishment of the Ethics Board for Public Servants and Amending Certain Laws and the Regulation on the Principles of Ethical Conduct of Public Servants and Application Procedures and Principles, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25785 dated 13/04/2005, those working in Kuşadası Municipality and Regarding Public Officials who do not fall within the scope of duty of the Public Officials Ethics Board; "Kuşadası Municipality Public Servants Ethical Conduct Principles and Application Procedures and Principles Directive" was prepared and accepted with the Presidential Approval dated 26.06.2019 and numbered E.843 in order to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the applications, examinations and other transactions to be made due to acts contrary to the principles of ethical behavior.


In accordance with Article 29 of the Regulation on the Principles of Ethical Conduct for Public Servants and Application Procedures and Principles, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25785 dated 13/04/2005; An Ethics Commission has been established by our Municipality to establish and develop the Ethical Culture, to provide advice and guidance regarding the problems faced by the personnel regarding the principles of ethical behavior, and to evaluate ethical practices.

The duty of the Ethics Commission is to establish and develop the ethical culture in institutions and organizations, to give advice and guidance regarding the problems faced by the personnel regarding the principles of ethical behavior and to evaluate ethical practices. In Article 29 of the Kuşadası Municipality Public Officials Ethical Conduct Principles and Application Procedures and Principles Directive, the term of office of the Ethics Commission members is limited to (1) year. However, the Mayor can change the commission members when necessary. The ethics commission works in cooperation with the Prime Ministry Public Servants Ethics Committee. With the letter of the Public Servants Ethics Board dated 15.02.2019 and numbered 441152, the Public Servants Ethics Board decided to celebrate 25-31 May every year as "Ethics Week".

Ethics Commission Activities

After the Public Servants Ethical Conduct Principles and Application Procedures and Principles Directive came into force, Annex-1 Public Servants Ethics Agreement was signed by all personnel and placed in their personnel files. New personnel are also signed and placed in their personnel files starting from the date they start their duties. In addition, newly appointed Candidate Civil Servants are given training on the Principles of Ethical Conduct for Public Servants during the "in-service training provided during the candidacy period". Regulation on the Principles of Ethical Conduct of Public Servants and Application Procedures and Principles, which was prepared based on Articles 3 and 7 of the Law on the Establishment of Ethics Board for Public Servants and Amendments to Certain Laws dated 25/5/2004 and numbered 5176 and entered into force by being published in the Official Gazette dated 13.04.2005. In accordance with Article 26 titled Corporate Ethical Principles, a study has been initiated in our municipality to obtain the opinions and suggestions of its units regarding the determination of ethical behavior principles regarding the service we provide.

In order to ensure that all personnel working in our Presidency can apply the principles and procedures specified in the Regulation on Public Servants' Ethical Conduct Principles and Application Procedures and Principles, and at the same time to create a corporate culture regarding the principles of Ethical Conduct, the "Business Ethics and Responsibility of Duty" is issued by the Human Resources and Training Directorate. In-Service Training will be given to relevant civil servants, workers, contracted personnel and first-level managerial personnel. The Commission continues its work by holding its ordinary meetings every three months, on the first Monday of January, April, July and October, in the room of the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.


Kamu hizmetinin her türlü özel çıkarın üzerinde olduğu ve kamu görevlisinin halkın hizmetinde bulunduğu bilinç ve anlayışıyla;

  • Halkın günlük yaşamını kolaylaştırmak, ihtiyaçlarını en etkin, hızlı ve verimli biçimde karşılamak, hizmet kalitesini yükseltmek ve toplumun memnuniyetini artırmak için çalışmayı,
  • Görevimi insan haklarına saygı, saydamlık, katılımcılık, dürüstlük, hesap verebilirlik, kamu yararını gözetme ve hukukun üstünlüğü ilkeleri doğrultusunda yerine getirmeyi
  • Dil, din, felsefi inanç, siyasi düşünce, ırk, yaş, bedensel engelli ve cinsiyet ayrımı yapmadan, fırsat eşitliğini engelleyici davranış ve uygulamalara meydan vermeden tarafsızlık içerisinde hizmet gereklerine uygun davranmayı
  • Görevimi, görevle ilişkisi bulunan hiçbir gerçek veya tüzel kişiden hediye almadan, maddi ve manevi fayda veya bu nitelikte herhangi bir çıkar sağlamadan, herhangi bir özel menfaat beklentisi içinde olmadan yerine getirmeyi
  • Kamu malları ve kaynaklarını kamusal amaçlar ve hizmet gerekleri dışında kullanmamayı ve kullandırmamayı, bu mal ve kaynakları israf etmemeyi
  • Kişilerin dilekçe, bilgi edinme, şikayet ve dava açma haklarına saygılı davranmayı, hizmetten yararlananlara, çalışma arkadaşlarıma ve diğer muhataplarıma karşı ilgili, nazik, ölçülü ve saygılı hareket etmeyi
  • Kamu görevlileri Etik Kurulunca hazırlanan yönetmeliklerle belirlenen etik davranış ilke ve değerlerine bağlı olarak görev yapmayı ve hizmet sunmayı taahhüt ederim.

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AÇIKLAMALAR: Başvuru sahibi bu formu kullanmak zorunda olmayıp, başvuru sahibine kolaylık olması için hazırlanmıştır. Başvuru sahibinin adı, soyadı, ikamet adresi veya iş adresi, elektronik yollarla yapılan başvurularda da bunlara ilaveten T.C. Kimlik Numarası bulunmayan başvurular değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. Değerlendirmeye alınan müracaatlarla ilgili olarak alınan kararlar başvuru sahibine kararın alındığı tarihi takip eden 15 (on beş) gün içerisinde bildirilecektir.

Serkan ÖZEN
Acting Head of Support Services Department
Legal Affairs Directorate Responsible
Mustafa Burak GÜNDEŞ
Head of Zoning and Urbanisation Department
Ömer Faruk CEYLAN
Acting Head of Human Resources and Training Department

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