01-11-2023 17:56

The last stop of Sümeyye Şahin, who went on a bicycle tour from Enschede, Netherlands, to draw attention to the project initiated by Kuşadası Rotary Club to support women who earn their living by farming in Hatay, one of the cities affected by the February 6 earthquakes in Turkey, was Kuşadası. Şahin, who pedaled approximately 2 thousand 400 kilometers, visited Kuşadası Municipality with Kuşadası Rotary Club President Şardan Yamaç.

Kuşadası Rotary Club launched a project for women engaged in farming in Hatay after the earthquake that occurred on February 6 in Turkey and affected 11 provinces. In the project, donations were started to be collected with the permission received from Aydın Governorship, in order to provide seedling, seed and organic fertilizer support to women who earn their living from the land. Sümeyye Şahin, who lives in the Netherlands, went on a bicycle tour from Enschede, the Netherlands, on September 2, to raise awareness about the project. Şahin, who passed countries such as Germany, Switzerland and Italy by pedaling approximately 2 thousand 400 kilometers, completed his 1-month cycling tour in Kuşadası yesterday.

Sümeyye Şahin, who works as a coordinator at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, met with Kuşadası Rotary Club President Şardan Yamaç, Kuşadası Rotary Club Executive Secretary Mithat Sucuoğlu and Funda İleri, the parliamentary candidate of the DENK Party, which was founded in the Netherlands in 2015 by Dutch people of Turkish origin. They visited Kuşadası Municipality together. During his visit, Şahin met with Kuşadası Deputy Mayor Gürol Turhan, Deputy Mayor Oğuzhan Turan and Municipal Council Member Mehmet Sarıdedeoğlu and talked about the details of the project.

Stating that she was very happy to support the project of Kuşadası Rotary Club, Sümeyye Şahin said, “Unfortunately, our country experienced a very bad natural disaster on February 6. The economic situation in Hatay needs to return to its previous state. "It is also very important that our earthquake-affected women continue to work and regain their economic freedom," she said.

Kuşadası Deputy Mayor Oğuzhan Turan said, “First of all, I congratulate Sümeyye Şahin for her sensitive behavior. Kuşadası Rotary Club has also undertaken a very useful social responsibility project. "As Kuşadası Municipality, we will provide them with the necessary support within our authority and means," he said.

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