Ege District Headman Halis Suvari thanked Aydın Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Özlem Çerçioğlu and Kuşadası Mayor Ömer Günel by having a banner prepared for the road construction works carried out on Dursun Akçam Boulevard and 417th and 421st streets, and the landscaping initiated at the medians and intersections.
In Kuşadası, after Mayor Ömer Günel took office, the harmony between Aydın Metropolitan Municipality and Kuşadası Municipality is returning to the city in terms of service in every field. Working in cooperation, the two municipalities continue to invest in all neighborhoods of Kuşadası. The service mobilization carried out in different parts of the city is appreciated by everyone in Kuşadası. Finally, hot asphalt was poured on Dursun Akçam Boulevard and 421st and 417th streets in the Ege District by Aydın Metropolitan Municipality. In addition, landscaping work has been started on medians and intersections in the region.
The works were welcomed by the residents of Ege District. Ege District Headman Halis Suvari also thanked Aydın Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Özlem Çerçioğlu and Kuşadası Mayor Ömer Günel with the banners he prepared. The banner hung at the street entrances read, "We would like to thank our esteemed Mayors Özlem Çerçioğlu and Ömer Günel for their services to our neighborhood and for always being with us."
Headman of Ege District, Halis Suvari, stated that after Mayor Ömer Günel took office, the distinction between metropolitan and district municipalities in Kuşadası disappeared and said, “Our Dear Mayor Özlem Çerçioğlu and Ömer Günel work in incredible harmony. As Kuşadası residents, we missed this very much. The face of Kuşadası has changed a lot in the last 2.5 years, thanks to the services and investments made. Both presidents are fulfilling every promise they made to us, one by one. "I would like to thank them once again on behalf of my neighborhood residents," he said.